
Nexus Root Toolkit 2.1.9: September 19th, 2016
· Support for Googles new ZIP style factory images.
· Changes to support Chainfires new SuperSU Service Release (SR) naming convention.
· New toggle in flash stock interface to show or hide an extended factory image list.
· OEM Lock script now also checks for ‘enable OEM unlocking’ setting (requirement) on select devices.
· Update to latest SDK platform tools.
· Additional automation updates to backend dev-machine systems to speed extended build support.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.1.8: August 24nd, 2016
· Major automation updates to backend dev-machine systems to speed support of future android releases.
· Extended support to official Nougat for the recently released factory images (As of this post; Pixel C, Nexus Player, Nexus 9 Wifi – the rest will be added as they are released).
· Quick fix for XP users to revert to compatible legacy sdk platform tools (live progress percentages on push and pull operations wont show for XP users).

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.1.7: August 22nd, 2016
· New ‘Tweak Build.prop’ utility added which allows managing and merging custom tweaks.
· Manual hashcheck interface now supports SHA1 and SHA256 in addition to MD5 sums.
· Automatic ‘OEM Unlocking’ Enabled/Disabled detection integrated into unlock script.
· New hands-free system for enabling ‘OEM Unlocking’ in developer options (in case users touchscreen is broken).
· Live progress percentage in log for adb push/pull operations.
· Device specific ‘no-force-encrypt’ requirements for android N rooting.
· Dynamic version equivalence understanding for letter versions (L, M, N, etc) via ASCII conversions.
· More in-built adb timeout functions to handle unexpected hangs.
· More in-built error checking for handling arrays.
· Contacts backup script updated with more automation and better instructions.
· SMS backups and Call Log backups consolidated to one feature.
· Applying custom ROM Vendor.img added to automated ‘Flash Zips’ interface.
· Streamlined and decluttered live log output.
· Added an ‘Always on top’ toggle to Live Log.
· Cleaned up spacing in all information MsgBoxes.
· Link launching function revised for improved compatiblity with all Windows versions.
· Latest STABLE-BRANCH SDK dev android platform tools utilized.
· General optimizations, code improvements and bugfixes.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.1.6: June 13th, 2016
· Pixel C fully supported.
· Android N-Preview fully supported.
· Device encryption status detection.
· Updated root flow for devices which require decryption before TWRP will boot properly.
· Updated flashstock.bat to automatically revert to Fastboot erase cmd if Fastboot format cmd generates the ‘Formatting not supported’ error due to f2fs.
· Latest SDK dev android platform tools utilized
· Bug fix: cancelling the zip flash confirmation in advanced utilities will now properly halt the operation.
· Bug fix: ‘About NRT’ is properly working again.
· General optimizations, code improvements and bugfixes.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.1.5: May 3rd, 2016
· Extended support to the latest Marshmallow builds.
· Partial support for the latest N preview builds (automated root support still in progress).
· Support for TWRP’s new file naming/versioning convention.
· Support for SuperSU’s new file naming/versioning convention.
· Elimination of the depreciated Koush superuser as an option.
· Extended the default wait time for adb recovery device detection and retry detection.
· General optimizations, code improvements and bugfixes.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.1.4: January 16th, 2016
· Extended the default wait time for adb recovery device detection.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.1.3: January 13th, 2016
· Fixed the unlock function – commented out test function.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.1.2: January 13th, 2016
· Fastboot getvar unlock detection system tweaked/fixed.
· Increased default adb push/pull auto-timeout for smaller files.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.1.1: January 13th, 2016
· Full Marshmallow automation for all NRT features!
· New system that no longer relies on modified boot.imgs but rather uses TWRP’s adb root shell.
· Full adoption of chainfires autopatching systemless root method.
· Most fully automated features will now also work in ‘Any Build’ mode due to the new method which doesn’t require modified boot.imgs.
· Nexus Player scripts updated.
· Bug fixes.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.1.0: November 22nd, 2015
· Bug fixes.
· Latest Masterlists included.
· Flashstock revisions.
· Revised and improved dynamic adb operation timeout functions.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.0.7: November 18th, 2015
· Bug fixes.
· New builds supported.
· Revised root flow for dealing with current bootloader bug in Nexus 5x devices which prevents fastboot boot command from working properly.
· Built root kernels using chainfires original (more stable, not the systemless root) method for all the new builds.
· New information and warning prompts.
· Rebuilt no-force encrypt images.
· Stability improvements.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.0.6: November 8th, 2015
· Nexus 5X, 6P and Player support.
· Roots Marshmallow  builds with Chainfires current root kernel method.
· Rebuilt all modified boot.img files with integrated busybox for performing on-device hashchecking.
· All adb push and pull operations are now hash verified, and enhanced with time estimates and error checking.
· Revised ‘Flashstock.bat’ to always utilize force flash mode, and also fastboot format userdata instead of fastboot flash userdata.img (to avoid incorrect storage display after a flash)
· Bootloader unlock status and board type now verified.
· Nexus Root Toolkit now appears in add/remove programs, and the installer and updater files are signed with more details.
· Added LG drivers for Nexus 5X.
· Busybox free and Quick Reboot updated to the latest available versions.
· SDK platform-tools (adb/fastboot) updated to the latest available version.
· Lots of small fixes and general code optimizations.
· More stuff I am forgetting, will add more shortly…

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.0.5: March 27th, 2015
· Rebuilt entire downloading system to utilize wget instead of AutoIT’s inbuilt InetGet functions.
· New download system now supports HTTP/HTTPS proxy configuration.  Full frontend for managing user configurations in the toolkits options menu.
· Proxy configurations with username/password can be setup, and there is an option to re-prompt for the proxy password credentials each session.
· Added better information messages in the flash stock interface to help user chose the best configurations.
· Change the ‘Support Threads’ link to point the forums on
· Corrected the ‘Flash Stock + Unroot’ ‘no-force encrypt’ option to grab the no-force encrypt boot.img dependency based on the users selection of what they are about to flash rather than what they are currently running.
· All backup & restore apps updated to the latest available versions.
· Busybox free and Quick Reboot updated to the latest available versions.
· SDK platform-tools (adb/fastboot) updated to the latest available version.
· To ensure authenticity, all exe’s and installer files are now digital signed with a verified Comodo Code Signing certificate.
· Other small fixes and general code optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.0.4: February 4th, 2015
· Updated included masterlists to the latest version available.
· Fixed some typos.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.0.3: February 3rd, 2015
· Fixes to decryption script for N6
· Vendor button will now enable for N9 LTE edition
· Message box for “Flash Stock” now explains that ‘no-wipe mode’ can be enabled on the the next screen to preserve userdata.
· Fixed the splash messages that redundantly used the word “Temporarily” twice.
· Updated the included busybox free apk, quickreboot, and all of riteshsahu’s backup and restore apps to the latest available versions.
· Other small fixes and optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.0.2: January 10th, 2015
· Small fix for an issue with flashstock.bat when force flash wasn’t disabled.
· Screen Recording button no longer gets disabled with ‘Any Build mode’, just a message box that informs user that screen recording doesn’t work on builds lower than 4.4.0.

Nexus Root Toolkit 2.0.0: January 9th, 2015
· New dual-style intelligent ADB/FASTBOOT connectivity checking system.  Now users are able to start any NRT script from either fastboot or adb mode, and the toolkit will automatically detect their device state and continue from there.
· New ‘no-force encrypt’ flash stock option for N6/N9 that will allow users to use ‘No-wipe mode’ on their previously decrypted device, and retain their decryption (and data) when upgrading.
· New ‘Manual Masterlists’ importing, so users can get the latest masterlists even if the toolkit says ‘can’t access update server’
· New feature in advanced utilities for changing/resetting your devices display density.
· Live Log now has additional starting information, to make it easier to provide support.
· Re-built the Quick Flash (file assocations *.img) interface and included the ‘cache’ and ‘vendor’ buttons.
· Extra info when setting SuperSU beta, which informs the user that beta release SuperSU’s may not always be more recent than the latest stable.
· All ‘Flash Stock + Unroot’ options moved from the toolkits settings menu to the flash stock interface.
· Text revision on main interface to show that “Flash Stock + Unroot” can be used for “Restore/Upgrade/Downgrade”.
· Fastboot flash ‘Cache’ button added to advanced utilities and new quick flash (file assocations *.img) interface.
· Quick Tools are now fully dynamic with the new intelligent connectivity checking so the user no longer has to specify if they are in adb/fastboot mode.
· APK Installation now automatically checks for special characters in the file name that could prevent installation, and if present – removes them on-the-fly, then auto-renames them back to their original name – all without user interaction.
· No-Force Encrypt flashing script (Advanced Utilities > Fastboot Flash > Boot > No-Force Encrypt) now performs both fastboot erase and format so that it works properly on n9 (which disallows the fastboot format userdata cmd due to f2fs file system).
· Determined that the ‘can’t access update server’ is related to users having download managers installed on their machine, so NRT now recommends uninstalling those (for now).
· About NRT script now displays additional text to indicate ‘beta’ SuperSU being used.
· Settings.ini is now primed with the blank sections for improved organization and readability.
· On first run if SuperSU beta has a greater version number than stable it is set as the default (can be disabled in toolkit options).
· Improved ‘Other’ factory pack recognition scripts, to better identify factory packs that are not listed in the kit.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.9.9: November 26th, 2014

· New feature for flashing a build specific ‘No-forced Encryption’ boot.img [for Nexus 6 & 9]: Advanced Utilities > Fastboot Flash > Boot > ‘No-Force Encrypt’ button
· Root method no longer relies upon root_kernels, but rather utilizes Chainfires latest and greatest SuperSU.
· Added a dedicated ‘Vendor’ button in advanced utilities for flashing that image on the Nexus 9.
· Added new Fastboot Erase and Fastboot Format features (advanced utilities), which allow users to perform batch wipe operations after selecting the partitions with checkboxes.
· Added new ‘OEM Device Info’ button in advanced utilities ‘Quick Tools’
· Re-organized advanced utilities into top-level blocks ‘Fastboot Flash’ and ‘Fastboot Boot’ respectively; so previous features like ‘Restore Stock Recovery’ can now be found in a sub-gui after hitting Fastboot Flash ‘Recovery’ Button.
· Restore Stock Kernel script no longer performs a temp boot test operation, it just flashes it.
· Flash TWRP/CWM/PHILZ/OTHER scripts, now allow you to disable the additional operation of flashing ‘’ which is only needed the first time you flash an alternate recovery (so for example if you are just upgrading to a new version of TWRP, you can forgo flashing that zip and just have NRT flash the new version).
· Fastboot device detection now auto-retries to connect once if it doesn’t the first time.
· Updated the included adb/fastboot binaries to the latest platform-tools release from the SDK
· Added an automatic check to see if ‘Bluestacks’ application is running on start, to ask the user if they want NRT to close it (because this application causes conflicts with NRT)
· Bug fixes to multi-updater to deal with scenarios where not all files are available for a device yet (like TWRP currently for Nexus Player)
· Minor bug fixes, code optimizations, and feature enhancements.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.9.8: November 18th, 2014

· Dynamic web-backed legacy file scrubbing system built.  Now in the event of a bad upload, WugFresh can easily upload a new file with the identical file name and upon Masterlist update NRT will automatically handle scrubbing the legacy file.
· Copying CWM Nandroid to computer now works properly on Lollipop.
· ADB Not Found message for performing ADB Sideload operations now details how to properly configure the driver in that state.
· Additional information on hashcheck mismatch msgbox, which now notifies the user updating the Masterlists is the first thing they should try.
· New ‘Post-Flash Factory Reset’ option under ‘Flash Stock Options’, which when enabled will automatically boot the user into stock recovery after a flash stock procedure and instruct how to wipe data & cache, or just cache (if no wipe mode is enabled). This option is designed to help mitigate some issues select users have with bootloops/storage-display-issues post-flash. This option is only available when ‘Force Flashing’.
· New additions to ‘flashstock.bat’ to accommodate the new vendor.img file present on N9.
· QuickBoot app now replaced by QuickReboot (by PhongIT) to accommodate Lollipop support.
· Busybox Installer by Stericson updated to the latest version available.
· Nexus 9 and Nexus Player added (without root support – still waiting on TWRP).  EDIT: Now Root support available for Nexus9 – TWRP is out 🙂

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.9.7: November 16th, 2014

· Included the latest Masterlists to prevent users who never utilized the “Update” in the kit from getting the AutoIt error (for KTU84P Nexus 7 2013).  This error was due to the modified boot.img for that build being accidentally removed from the server.  Its was then reuploaded and the masterlists were updated, but those users who never updated would still get the error.
· No longer will the “Force Flash” recommendation be made to N4 users, because it seems to cause a bootloop – however factory resting will fix that either way.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.9.6: November 14th, 2014

· Fixes to Wug_Updater_Nexus.exe
· Added a tray tooltip ‘ADB Daemon Starting’ on toolkit startup

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.9.5: November 14th, 2014

· Bug fixes
· Clean-up script for some legacy non-working files.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.9.4: November 11th, 2014

· Lollipop support for all the recently released factory images.
· Live log is no longer governed by an on/off toggle, but rather always shows so users can easily check cmd output.
· Error checking on 7zip factory package extraction.
· Utilizing BETA-SuperSU is the default option on first install (can be changed in the options menu).
· New ‘Skip…’ hashcheck button on the manual hashcheck input box for factory pacakages .
· Error checking on 7zip factory package extraction.
· In preparation for releasing new WugFresh software, the NRT default installation directory has now been moved to a subdir: ‘%PROGAMFILES%/WugFresh Development/NexusRootToolkit’.
· Various bug fixes and optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.9.3: October 28th, 2014

· Additional user option for updating to the latest beta versions of SuperSU, and also for installing SuperSU Pro (via playstore).
· Clean-up script to remove a legacy philz recovery file (if present) that the developer had updated without incriminating the version number.
· Bug fix that was causing a message box to crash.
· Additional optimizations in preparation to support N6 and N9 when they become available.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.9.2: October 26th, 2014

· Minor bug fixes.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.9.1: October 20th, 2014

· Additions to the legacy cleanup script.
· Bug fixes.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.9.0: October 20th, 2014

· Full root procedure for the new 5.0.0 preview release.
· Extended the hybrid downloader to look for ‘root kernel’ dependency in case this becomes the norm for rooting all future 5.0.* releases.
· Added a user option for disabling the QuickBoot app installation when rooting (main options menu).
· Bug fixes.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.8.9: October 17th, 2014

· Redesigned entire dependency downloading system. No longer is the user prompted with numerous “Such and such file is not found in the local directory, press OK to download”, but rather there is a unified and dynamic interface for managing all required files/downloads per toolkit operation.
· The two exe’s for managing downloads in the past “nexwug_DL_NRTfiles.exe” and “nexwug_DLnX.exe” are now consolidated to one hybrid downloader “nexwug_downloader.exe” which manages all downloads, hash-checking, and factory pack extraction operations.
· Manual input for hash-checking is now only shown for files the toolkit doesn’t already have in the masterlists.
· Automatic hash-checking is now also performed in files that are manually imported into the toolkit via the manual download interface (when/if server issues cause the automated downloader to fail)
· Multi-device auto-update management has been revamped and redesigned, with new dynamic information displayed in the tray menu item that appears during the process. Fully integrated to work with the new hybrid downloader.
· New double-check automatic device detection (can be disabled in the toolkit options) that quickly checks to see if your selected device is correct. If the toolkits auto-device detection determines that you selected the wrong device it automatically notifies the user and asks if you want to correct the selection.
· Live-log is now governed by a quick toggle menu item in the main interface and also linked to the hotkey [ctrl+L]
· Options menu has a ‘Reset to defaults’ button now
· Drag and drop behaviour in the ‘Flash zips’ interface for reorganize zips to flash has been fixed.
· Fixes to enhance how NRT handles factory images it doesn’t know about yet.
· Major code revisions to the entire codebase in preparation for porting this kit to new devices.
· Android 5.0.0 Lollipop Developer Preview added for easy flashing and other operations (Root will not work with the current 2.13 SuperSU)
· Some message boxes specific to this last LP preview release and the infobox about root not working with SuperSU 2.13.
· Lots of other code changes implemented for general optimizations and improved user experience.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.8.8: September 26th, 2014

· Revisions to to ensure it doesn’t interfere with root access if flashed after the
· Code fixes to advanced utilities > ‘push files’ script.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.8.7: September 6th, 2014

· Added some Android L specific message boxes.
· Fixes to multi file push script.
· Code additions to the single adb backup script, so that if the list doesn’t properly populate due to conflicting adb software running (like bluestacks), it just returns a blank pull-down rather than an autoit error.
· Change the display text for ‘Nexus 7 v2’ to ‘Nexus 7 2013 Edition’ for better readability and to prevent improper selection by end-user.
· Other small bug fixes and optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.8.6: August 6th, 2014

· Fixed linking to external websites from NRT’s main menu on Windows 8.1.
· Additional file dependency checks for the Lock script, to ensure it runs properly for N4 devices.
· Fixes to the custom driver installer to ensure it runs properly on machines that don’t have English set as the default language.
· New ‘Busybox’ option in the toolkits main settings menu for selecting whether or not the user wants to skip its installation during the root procedure, flash the free version (default), or install Busybox pro from the Playstore.
· Other small bug fixes and optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.8.5: July 30th, 2014

· Removed legacy/redundant driver methods and replaced them with fully automated driver solutions via DpInst.exe. The toolkit no longer uses third-party driver installers and extensive pictorial walk-through’s. Now there are three fully automated driver solutions (Google, PdaNet, & Universal) which only require one click to install. The Raw/manual method and pictorial walk-through is still included.
· Enhanced the NRT Uninstaller to provide an option for also uninstalling the drivers.
· All auto-downloaders now present a “retry download” option if it fails in addition to the manual download method.
· Improvements to the updater, progress bar won’t get stuck on 1% and say mismatch, it will now always go to 100%, and if you get the mismatch you can retry the download.
· Just like the root procedure, advanced utilities > flash perm > “flash recovery” button now also renames recovery-from-boot.p to ensure recovery sticks.
· Android L-preview added, full support will be included when its officially released.
· Full KTU84Q 4.4.4 support.
· Updated toolkit to use the latest platform-tools and Google driver files from the SDK.
· Bug fixes and optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.8.4: June 21st, 2014

· Full 4.4.4 support for all the Nexus devices that Google just released new factory images for.
· Improvements to the updater.
· Additional/improved automation scripts on my end for expediting the process of updating the toolkit to support new builds.
· Bug fixes and optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.8.3: June 3rd, 2014

· Full 4.4.3 support for all the Nexus devices that Google just released new factory images for.
· Improved Philz Advanced Touch Recovery integration.
· Enhanced the toolkit updater – now all your custom settings will remain after updating.
· Added information pop-ups when choosing Cwm/Philz as your recovery option, to notify you that the toolkit may still download and use TWRP temporarily for various operations.
· Updated the RAW Google drivers to the latest available from the SDK.
· Updated the platform-tool binaries to the latest available from the SDK.
· Some other small bug fixes, improvements and  general optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.8.2: March 18th, 2014

· Fixed a bug in v1.8.1 that was preventing the app list from auto-populating into the dynamic pull-down menu for single app *.ab backups.
· Added Philz Advanced Touch Recovery (CWM based) as a custom recovery option.
· Added Philz Advanced Touch Recovery as a quick flash option in the toolkits Advanced Utilities > Flash (permanent) to “recovery” button.
· Made the text dynamic in Advanced utilities so that when you switch it to “Boot (Temporary)” it explicitly states that it can be used to boot any .img file.
· Updated the RAW Google drivers to the latest available from the SDK.
· Some other small bug fixes, improvements and optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.8.1: March 4th, 2014

· Added tamper-flag reset for the N4 when re-locking.
· Enhancements to the auto-detect button in the model/build select window: now it uses selective string matching to account for all the yakju* variants.
· Added an additional step in the driver guide – explicitly detailing steps for configuring the MTP drivers properly first (before adb/fastboot).
· Added specific RAW driver solution instructions for windows 8.1 users; detailing the proper steps (which are slightly different than the steps for windows 8).
· Updated all code for compatibility with the latest production release of AutoIt.
· Added proper Windows 8.1 detection.
· Updated the help menu by removing the legacy help file, and direct linking to the FAQs instead; also renamed ‘wiki’ to ‘video guides’.
· Added the ‘WugFresh’ name to all the included NRT executable files.
· Updated the included SDK platform-tools to the latest revision available.
· Some other small bug fixes, improvements and optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.8.0: December 26th, 2013

· Fixes to ‘Flash Stock + Unroot’ with ‘Other/Browse’ when choosing a .tar file instead of .tgz, should now work properly for all users.
· New button in the toolkits device-selection window for auto-detecting your particular device and build for ease of use (and to prevent user error).
· Added an additional message box after performing nandroid backups to ask the end-user if they would like to remove the backup which still resides on their device.
· Added the proper file dependency checks at the beginning of the re-lock script to ensure all required files are present for N5 user (to allow auto-flashing the reset-tamper-flag zip).
· Tweaked the rounding function for displaying the file/dir size of backups so that it displays two decimal places by default.
· Updated the included Backup/Restore apps by Ritesh Sahu to the latest available versions (more specifically the sms backup-restore app should now work properly on KitKat builds).
· Uploaded all NRT files that were previously missing on due to their read-only restrictions during their server relocation period – so now users can fully use either or (choice available in the toolkits options menu).
· Some other small bug fixes, improvements and optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.7.9: December 4th, 2013

· Added “No Wipe Mode” to the toolkits flash stock options to allow for flashing the factory packs without wiping userdata and cache.
· To make this new ‘No Wipe Mode’ function properly the flashstock.bat was revised.
· Code revisions were also made to allow the new ‘No Wipe Mode’ feature to work with ‘Force Flash Mode’.
· Revised the toolkits ‘first run’ behavior to autodownload the latest masterlist first – before the user is presented with the device/build selection window.
· To accommodate end-users from countries that were blocking Pastebin; the masterlist files are now stored and read in from my Github Gist account instead.
· The ‘OEM Lock’ script was modified to perform a different procedure for Nexus5; more specifically – now it temporarily boots TWRP and autoflashes a zip made by XDA contributor osm0sis to relock the bootloader and reset the tamper flag.
· Fixed the ‘restore nandroid’ buttons activity which was mistakenly disabled in v1.7.8 from an indirect change.
· Updated the code for the Uninstall_NRT.exe to require admin rights to accommodate for Win8’s requirements for modifying/deleting any ‘Program Files’ sub-directories.
· Corrected some message/info box typo’s.
· Some other small code revisions, fixes and optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.7.8: November 18th, 2013

· Small fix to flashstock.bat.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.7.7: November 18th, 2013

· Revisions to the “Flash Stock + Unroot” script.
· Additional helpful information message boxes.
· Other small fixes and optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.7.6: November 15th, 2013

· Extended full support to all the devices that just recently got upgraded KitKat (N4, N7 WiFi, N7 Mobile, N7 v2 WiFi, N7 v2 Mobile, N10)
· Enhanced the Screenrecording feature; more specifically – made it so the end-user can stop a recording early at anytime by pressing the ESC key on their keyboard.
· Added some info to the driver guide that may be helpful.
· Other small fixes and optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.7.5: November 8th, 2013

· Quick text fix on the ‘Push/Pull Files’ button in advanced utilities.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.7.4: November 8th, 2013

· Full support for the new Nexus 5 and KitKat (Android 4.4*)
· New screenshot and screen recording features.
· The new screen recording feature is a KitKat-only feature and will actually work on all KitKat devices (not just the Nexus line) so I may release this script as a separate program soon.
· This new screen recording feature involved creating a new interactive interface for setting the parameter’s and settings.
· New “Silent/gaming’ mode option in the toolkits main options menu; this feature will allow disabling all pop-up splash screens, and just use the ‘NRT – Live Log’ to track progress instead
· All splash screen messages now also get piped into the ‘NRT – Live Log’ so all the commands can be more easily identified by their descriptional message above.
· Some text-based corrections, minor bug fixes, and general code optimizations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.7.3: October 31st, 2013

· Full integration with servers utilizing their brand new API.
· To support this new server integration while still keeping the option to use in the toolkits options menu, I also decided to develop a system on my end just for checking that all the NRT files uploaded to both and are identical (to avoid hard-to-identify complications if a file were to be uploaded incompletely to one of the servers).
· ‘NRT – Live Log’ feature which shows which adb/fastboot cmds are being run in the background and their console output (in real-time); this required a lot of code changes throughout the entire program to support, but will now make it very easy to continue to implement this feature as I move forward with development.
· Revisions to the root script (with custom recovery checked) to fix the issues some users had with it not installing the SU binaries successfully.
· Fixes to the ‘Flash Stock + Unroot’ with using ‘Other…/I downloaded the factory pack myself’ script that may have prevented the hashcheck from working properly.
· Feature in the main Settings menu to allow the use of alternate ‘fastboot boot’ syntax for users who experienced their device booting to a blank screen when the toolkit tried to boot img files (This is a known issue on some Nexus4 build 4.3* devices).
· Revisions and additions to the ‘flashstock.bat’ file. In particular, the console output doesn’t get cleared when it finishes, and if you don’t have ‘force flash’ mode enabled – then it also provides you some additional information about that option (to give you a solution if your flash stock was unsuccessful).
· Latest masterlists included.
· Some spelling corrections.
· Minor bug fixes, code optimizations and some preparations to extend support to the Nexus5 and Kitkat in the upcoming v1.7.4 release (TBA).

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.7.2: August 26th, 2013

· Code fixes to ensure selecting ‘Custom ROM’ as your build makes the toolkit behave as I originally intended – that being, to assume your device already has a modified boot.img and proceed accordingly.
· Some other small fixes, improvements and optimizations.
· Latest masterlists included.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.7.1: August 16th, 2013

· Code fixes to my temporary boot function that was causing some issues on certain devices.
· Removed modified boot.img’s from the masterlists for JWR66V & JWR66N builds for the new Nexus 7 devices.  These modified boot.img’s were not performing properly.  Now for full NRT feature support, its recommended to upgrade to the latest build available for your device first.  If you are on those builds on that device, the root script is no longer fully automated (as it does not use a modified boot.img) and will instead show you instructions on how to flash the appropriate root files.
· Created modified boot.img for the new Nexus 7 (2013) Wifi device using the recently released factory image packages.  This adds full automated rooting for this device as well as all the other automated features in the toolkit.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.7.0: August 15th, 2013

· Removed the feature that tries to utilized pre-flashed TWRP.
· Added all the latest builds to the masterlists.
· Created modified boot.img for the new Nexus 7 (2013) Wifi device using the recently released factory image packages.  This adds full automated rooting for this device as well as all the other automated features in the toolkit.
· Rescripted the “Utilize Other Recovery” option in the toolkits option menu to be more intelligent.  Now if it recognizes that “other” recovery image you select as TWRP (via simple filename string matching) then it will utilize that recovery version for all future automated TWRP operations.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.6.8: August 6th, 2013

· Official support for the new Nexus 7 (2013) devices.
· General fixes, and latest root files available.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.6.7: August 4th, 2013

· More fixes geared towards supporting the new Nexus 7 (2013) devices, and improved 4.3 support.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.6.6: August 2st, 2013

· Some bugfixes.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.6.5: August 1st, 2013

· Added official 4.3 support for all devices.
· Code revisions geared towards supporting the new Nexus 7 (2013) variants (incomplete in this release).
· Latest sdk platform-tools utilized, and latest google drivers included in the RAW driver folder.
· Auto-update NRT is set as the default configuration.
· Scripted an option to just boot into pre-flashed TWRP recovery instead of using ‘fastboot boot’ recovery. (this feature was later removed).
· Lots of general code revisions, optimizations and fixes.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.6.4: July 3rd, 2013

· Added the ability to root with Koush’s new Superuser in the toolkits options menu.
· Enhanced the ‘Flash Stock + Unroot’ script to intelligently parse the file included in factory image packages and check for $ERASEALL condition, if true the flashstock.bat will perform the fastboot erase operations prior to flashing the stock images.  This ensures that the flashstock.bat script behaves the same way the script google provides does.
· Added ‘Force Flash’ mode option to enable flashing the stock image packages without any checks. This works by further extracting the factory image package and flashing each fastboot image file individually.
· In the new ‘Force Flash’ script the toolkit reads in the flashing requirements it will ignore from the android-info.txt and displays them in the flash stock confirmation message box.
· Added a simple way to update to the latest TWRP/CWM: simply use Advanced Utilities > flash to ‘recovery’ button and select either Latest TWRP or Latest CWM.
· Added Koush’s Universal ADB Driver installer in the toolkit driver guide as the new recommended driver solution.
· Revised all openrecoveryscript generation to use explicit file paths rather than relative paths to ensure files in !ReadyToFlash get found by TWRP.
· Made revisions to the unlock script for the Nexus 10 to temporarily boot into stock recovery for the user to perform a manual factory reset and avoid bootlooping.
· Added reasonable timeouts to the ‘adb wait-for-device’ commands to avoid the toolkit from stalling out if the user’s device isn’t properly communicating with their computer.
· Made some fixes to the Wug_Updater executable to ensure it properly interpreted certain files version numbers. This will make it simple to keep all the toolkit files up to date.
· The Wug_Updater is fully working now so all the latest builds should be listed including the long overdue support inclusion of the 4.2.2 release for the Verizon Gnex.
· Updating the masterlists can now govern over updating more toolkit files such as Koush’s Universal ADB Installer.
· Streamlined my masterlist file generator to make it very simple for me to syndicate any necessary NRT file updates.
· Made sure the necessary dependency checks were properly included for each toolkit script.
· Revised the root script to wait slightly longer to push the openrecoveryscript file, ensuring it successfully pushes, inexorably preventing the script from stalling with the device sitting in inactive TWRP.
· Revised the backup and restore APN scripts to utilize a flashable zip package for installing the APN app with system privileges, rather than issuing of a series of adb commands.
· Added the commandline switch “/reset” as a simple way to reset the toolkit back to its default settings.
· Lots of other code improvements, small fixes, enhancements and revisions.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.6.3: February 24th, 2013

· Full 4.2.2 support for all the supported Nexus devices.
· Dynamic tooltips throughout the entire program – in an attempt to help answer questions before they are asked, I spent a lot of time creating mouse-over tooltips to help explain every button, option, and checkbox.
· The tooltips are ‘dynamic’ in that they change depending on what options you currently have selected, meaning they will provide the most relevant information for the task you are about to perform.
· Added a new script in advanced utilities called ‘Sideload Update’ for automating adb sideloading of update zip packages (ota zips).
· Added a new script in advanced utilities called ‘Restore Stock Kernel’ for providing an automated procedure for first testing a stock kernel and then flashing it – this script will restore the stock android kernel specific to your device and build.
· Added a new button in advanced utilities which launches a brand new interface built for automating logcat/bugreport file generation.
· The new logcat file generator allows you to filter the output or have it populate alternative buffer logs.  The outputted log is standard *.txt file.
· Added multiple device support for the auto-updating system, you can enable this option and specify your devices/builds in the toolkits new option menu.
· Added the option to automatically accept all toolkit downloads without prompts (i.e. suppress all confirm download messages).
· Added the ability to start the unlock script from a state where your device is already in bootloader mode (via a Yes/No message prompt).
· Re-scripted the mechanism for auto-downloading files: In previous releases the toolkit tried to interface with’s JSON API to automatically fetch each files hash value before performing the subsequent hashcheck operation; however this did not always work so well for every end-user and furthermore it was rather time consuming and resource intensive.  To fix this, I scripted something on my end for auto-populating all the hashvalues for every single toolkit file and then published that to one of the unified masterlist files (LatestToolkitFiles.ini).  Now the toolkit can get hashvalue information from its local directory simply by reading in values from that file; and furthermore – if I ever need to upload new files, all I need to do is update the masterlist file with the new corresponding hashvalues.
· This new auto-downloading mechanism should make all download operations faster.
· The ‘Help > About Nexus Root Toolkit…’ option now brings up a dynamic interface for automatically displaying file version information; i.e. it will now tell you what version of  TWRP/CWM and SuperSU the toolkit currently has in its local directory.  This is an easy way to check if the toolkit is using the latest files available.  Then you can notify me if I need to update something.
· Added an additional step in the unlock procedure for Nexus10 devices to have it automatically boot into temporary TWRP directly after unlocking to allow the end-user to perform a factory reset.  This is done to prevent the device from bootlooping after unlocking which seems to be a common issue on these devices (probably something that will be fixed by Google in future android builds).
· Created dynamic instructions for how to enter bootloader mode manually so that its device specific.
· Improved the ADB device connection recognition script to prompt the end user with additional instructions (regarding accepting the RSA prompt), if the device shows as offline and the user has specified their build is >= 4.2.2.
· Restore Stock Recovery script now will not allow the end user to perform the operation if they are currently running a custom ROM.  The end-user will first have to switch their model to the desired stock build that corresponds with the stock recovery they would like to restore.  Before this release, the toolkit just downloaded the latest or most compatible stock recovery image.  This new method is more logical and gives the end user explicit control over what gets restored/flashed.  This same mechanism is implemented on the new Restore Stock Kernel script.
· Cleaned up some informational message boxes to be more clear.
· Lots of general fixes, code improvements and revisions.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.6.2: December 29th, 2012

· Revised the update system to be more streamlined and consolidated.
· Now the masterlists are version managed, meaning they will only get updated if changes have been made to them.
· The update process now checks for both program updates and masterlist updates through the same version control method with no additional prompts; and then afterwards automatically cross checks the local directories with the updated/latest masterlists to ensure the end user has all the latest files and toolkit dependencies available for their device.
· The text based update info and masterlist files are now hosted on pastebin instead of to reduce the load on goo’s servers and also reduce the chance of end users ever reaching’s daily download cap (that they allocated me for this program). Now goo’s servers can just be utilized for binaries, which only need to be downloaded once, rather than people constantly pinging those text based masterlist files and update info everyday.  Pastebin said it was fine for me to do this and based on their traffic allowance, it makes enabling all toolkit users to have the program automatically check for updates on each run ok.
· Rescripted the way in which the toolkit actually interfaces with’s JSON API to improve its success rate.
· Added a manual download interface to serve as a contingency plan in the circumstance that the automated NRT file downloader fails or the toolkit is unable to communicate with’s JSON API. This interface provides the end user a way to import a file into the toolkit by presenting a clickable direct download link to grab the file through their browser, and a browse-to-file button to select it; inexorably triggering the toolkit to move the file into the appropriate local directory.
· Enabled autochecking for updates on each run/each-time you change your device, as the default option. This ensures all end users get the best and most up-to-date user experience available and makes it easier for me to provide support because I can be sure everyone is using the latest files available. If you want to disable autoupdate checking, then you can still do that in options.
· Added an “Update” menu item and hotkey. Rather than the previous, not so intuitive Help > About… method.
· Added a “Browse…” button in the options menu next to “Alternate Recovery img”, to make it easier for users to switch that file if they are using an alternate recovery.
· Added an extra step to the advanced utilities “Flash to partitions”, “Flash (Permanent)” to “Recovery” button. Now that procedure will also automatically flash the “” to ensure recovery sticks. Before that was only accomplished when rooting. Now this way, if people are already rooted and they decide to flash recovery later, they can just use that button. They can also just run the root process again, but now either way will work.
· Added an extra step the the advanced utilities “Flash stock recovery” script. Now in addition to flashing the stock recovery for the end users device and build, it will also flash the “”, which is a new zip I created for renaming the two system files changed by the “” back to their default names.
· Added extra information about bootlooping and where to go to get factory reset instructions in the toolkits unlock procedure; this was done to address N10 and N4 users who have been encountering bootloops after unlocking and need to hard reset.
· Fixed all GUI hyperlinks to open links in IE on Windows 8 builds to account for “class not registered” error that happens when IE is not set as the default browser. Unfortunately in Win8, you can’t just shellexecute a hyperlink anymore and have it automatically launch with the end users default browser, if you are running a program from an elevated permissions state.
· Fixed the nandroid backup script to work properly when the user has CWM selected as their custom recovery; now it will pull the backup onto the computer. The location of CWM backups had changed, that’s why I missed this in the last release.
· Disabled “.android secure” and “sd-ext” partition backup options as they do not pertain to these devices. These features may be enabled in the future if the toolkit is ported/forked to support devices beyond the nexus line.
· Fixed the “did this already” in the flash stock interface, which in v1.6.1 was not properly locating the previous directory.
· Increased wait time on “waiting for device to finish booting back up” by a few secconds, to ensure the device is fully on before attempting to push files. This ensures the openrecoveryscript file gets pushed and should prevent end users from just booting into TWRP without the script doing anything further.
· Updated the uninstaller to account for the new Wug_Updater_v3.exe included.
· Other bug fixes, minor changes, code improvements and enhancements.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.6.1: November 30th, 2012

· Fixed device connectivity checks to work properly with the Nexus10
· Fixed the “I did this already” flash stock script to scan the local directory properly before proceeding to check if in fact the user did successfully do it once already.  Similar fix also added to the “Other/Browse” feature.
· Added information that will present itself if you are running Win8 for installing unsigned drivers.
· Updated the RAW drivers included to include the latest 0.72 universal drivers by 1wayjonny.
· Other bug fixes.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.6.0: November 26th, 2012

· Now supports the Nexus 10, Nexus 4, and Nexus 7 3G!
· Full Android 4.2.0 support included!
· Completely revised how the toolkit deals with its primary (deivice and build specific) variables and the files it needs to perform tasks: Now the entire program is backed by files on web servers rather than one massive download that tries to include everything. If the toolkit does not find the file it needs in the local directory it will automatically prompt the user with a message to auto-download that file into the toolkit. With this new system the main installer remains light weight (less than 50 MB), and the toolkit only selectively downloads what it needs when it needs it.
· Using the same framework of this new auto-download system – now the toolkit also checks to see if new file version are available. This means, if a new SuperSU, TWRP or CWM gets released – If the user had updated their master lists (via Help > About…) then the toolkit will know to notify the user to grab the new file versions! This means the toolkit will stay up to date with the latest files without waiting for a full new toolkit release.
· Also, using this new updater system – the web hosted master lists allow the toolkit to automatically populate new builds directly into the ‘Your Model Type:” and “Flash stock” pull down menu’s. This means, the second a new android build comes out, within a minutes I will upload new master lists and tell everyone to grab them user (Help > About..) and then they will see the new build supported in the list!
· Changed the ‘Your Model Type:’ to have TWO pull down menu’s instead of one. I found out that lots of users were mistakenly selecting the correct build but for the wrong device and not noticing it, and consequently they were getting the ‘Waiting for device to finish booting back up’, and not knowing why. Now the user has to explicitly select their device first, and they will be limited as what builds they can select (only builds for their device). This new selection screen is backed by the master lists so it allows me to update those pull down menus with new builds without updating the whole toolkit!
· Painstakingly re-did every single modified boot.img and uploaded them to ensure they were all perfect. I had found one from an older build with a mistake, and I realized the only way to be sure every single one was perfect was to just do it again methodically for every build on every device (yikes!), I actually ended up scripting a little program on my end just for doing this task – so it should be easier for me in the future.
· Went through every single build and re-assigned the correct stock recovery, and then uploaded them in a specific syntax to the servers so the toolkit would know how to find and download them.
· Integrated the toolkit with’s JSON API for selectively retrieving md5 (hash values) for files the toolkit want’s to download. This makes updating the toolkit much simpler, because all those hashvalues no longer have to be hardcoded, but rather can be grabbed when needed by the toolkit. I also created a script for myself just for generating the master list files using this JSON API to populate all the hashvalues for all the known factory image packages into the list.
· Using the master lists and’s JSON API for hashvalues, the toolkit now intelligently knows whether to download factory image packages directly from Google or from the big file repository I put together on (depending on whether its the latest build or not): this diverts the high traffic downloads to Google’s servers instead and takes some of the burden off of’s machines.
· Also using the new master list system, the toolkit can more intelligently determine information about a factory image package, if the end-user uses the ‘Other/Browse’ feature, and selects their own factory image package. Now the toolkit will analyze that file, and cross check substrings from its file name against the master lists to determine things like the build, android version, hashcheck value, and more, so it will know what build to update the toolkit too after successfully flash stock.
· Added information and code for dealing with data/media backups on 4.2.0 builds, which now requires your device to be unlocked to boot a modified boot.img first before being able to pull those files.
· Revised the driver guide for recommending driver solution #3 for Windows 8.
· Lots of other small bug fixes and code revisions.
· Oh, and bacon of course! Always moar bacon!


Nexus Root Toolkit 1.5.5: November 5th, 2012

· Updated the toolkit to work properly on all the latest android builds on all the supported devices (included the 4.1.2 build for the Nexus S that I neglected to support in the last release).
· Enhanced the ‘Flash Stock + Unroot’ Interface to allow the end-user to chose any stock factory image package they wan’t with the auto-download, extract and flash feature.
· All the builds hosted on Googles servers get downloaded directly from Google, and the legacy builds get downloaded from
· Updated the toolkit to use the latest TWRP img files for each Nexus device (2.3.1.*) and the latest SuperSu version and binaries (0.97)
· Revised the driver guide to instruct Win8 users to run the Samsung_Drivers.exe file in compatibility mode to enable it to run properly.
· Fixed the Wug_Updater.exe to work in paths with spaces in it, now you can put the toolkit back in any directory you want.
· Changed/added-some text on the main interface to clarify what the options for “Flash Stock + Unroot” mean. Rather than “Can’t boot up” it says Soft-Bricked/Bootloop, etc.
· Lots of code revisions targeted towards making it easier/quicker for me to update the program in the future – so I can support new android builds/releases as soon as they become available.
· Small bug fixes, typo corrections, and overall organization enhancements.


Nexus Root Toolkit 1.5.4: October 12th, 2012

· Full official support for all the latest builds on the all the supported Nexus devices including the recently recently 4.1.2 builds.
· Fixed the walk through nandroid backup to work properly when the user chose CWM in options instead of TWRP (default)
· Fixed the small issue where one of the Nexus S builds was displaying the model type incorrectly.
· Removed the “Always on top” attribute to the “Please be patient” splash screens for long operations like backing up or restoring.
· Updated the Flash Stock + Unroot script to use the latest factory image packages available for each device (when using the auto download and extract feature)
· In the “Flash Stock + Unroot” script, the “include google wallet” checkbox for GSM Galaxy Nexus Devices is removed because the yakju and takju builds are no longer the same android version. The Takju build (which includes google wallet) is the latest 4.1.2 so thats the build the autodownloader will use. If you want to use the Yakju build for whatever reason, you can always use the “other” option and point to a factory image package you downloaded.
· Made sure that when using the “Other” option in “Flash Stock + Unroot” that the toolkit would work with factory image packages bundled as .tar files (rather than just tgz files). The toolkit will also recognize the file name regardless of this extension for automatically inputting the suggested hashvalue into the hashcheck interface.
· Added the suggestion in step one of the driver guide to reboot your computer after uninstalling all of the drivers before proceeding to step 2.
· Lots of small code revisions and improvements to ensure the toolkit runs properly.
· Other minor bug fixes.


Nexus Root Toolkit 1.5.3: August 21st, 2012

· Full official support for all the latest builds on the all the supported Nexus devices.
· New ‘Any Build’ Mode for supporting any future/unlisted builds.
· Full front end interface’s for automating tasks in TWRP utilizing Open Recovery Script: Flash Manager for complete backup, wiping, and zip flashing automation; and TWRP Backup/Restore interface’s, for full control and automation of creating/restoring nandroids.
· Backup manager allows for custom backup folder names; input box automatically restricts against the use of unsupported/special characters (only alpha-numeric and dashes will be accepted)
· Toolkit automatically scans the backup directory and intelligently enables/disables restore options depending on what files are present.
· Built in automated updater/notification system; now you can have the toolkit automatically check for updates on each run by enabling the feature in the options interface, or you can manually initiate an update check by using the toolkit’s: Help > ‘About…’ menu item.
· New driver guide for a more comprehensive overview of driver solutions (WinXP-Win8), also restructured it to make it easier to follow (Step 1: Uninstall previous drivers, Step 2: Pick a driver Solution, Step 3: Test Drivers).
· Entirely new Root Script which makes use of Open Recovery Script, flashable zip files, and TWRP to complete the procedure. If you select the option to also flash a custom recovery, then the “file” I created will also get flashed along with the default “” by Chainfire and “” I packaged that installs Busybox free installer by Stericson. This “” does two things, it renames certain system files with a bak extension to ensure recovery sticks, and it also installs the user app “QuickBoot” by Sirius Applications Limited to provide an easy way for end-users to boot into recovery.
· SuperSU is now used for all the devices and builds instead of using the modded Superuser for ICS builds which had inconsistent results.
· Included the latest stable TWRP image files for all the supported Nexus device.
· Updated the included CWM images to the latest stable versions available.
· Included the option to chose your own custom recovery image file for the toolkit to utilize.
· Added ‘Reboot Recovery’ to Quick Tools and boot ‘Modified boot.img’ to advanced utilities
· Added code to prevent multiple instances of the toolkit running at once and also to prevent duplicate GUI’s; now if you try and open a GUI that already exists, if its minimized or behind other windows it will restore it and then bring it to the front.
· Revised the backup script so that the end user specifies the parent folder to save the backup to on their computer first, before initiating the process; this way, the end-user can just ‘set it and forget it’, and come back to it later when the process is complete. Before the stage to back it up onto the computer came after the backup on the phone.. now everything is done in one automated procedure (assuming the end user uses TWRP as the default toolkit custom recovery to utilize).
· Fixed the issue of GUI text elements from getting cut off on certain users setups by making all GUI elements and dimensions dynamic; now, regardless of the end users DPI settings the toolkit will automatically adjust to display correctly.
· All splash screens are now dynamic to automatically re-size to fit the contained text.
· Fixed “Error:subscript used with non -Array variable” error message some users were getting.
· Fixed issue where hashcheck would stall for users who installed the toolkit to a directory other than the default.
· Fixed all issues related to installing the toolkit to a directory other than the default, now it should work in any path.
· Added notice to enable airplane mode before creating an android backup file to prevent unwanted interruptions during the backup.
· Removed text in the options menu about the file associations modifying registry; that feature works the way it would work with any program so there is no reason to display that text… it just unnecessarily deters people from using that feature when its actually one of my favorite options.
· Removed the option to automatically close adb.exe on exit and just made this the default behavior.
· Replaced all “Process finished” splash screens with “Process finished” message boxes.
· Included a custom uninstaller with the toolkit; it will remove everything except your backups and pulled files folders.
· Improved informational message boxes.
· General code improvements and bug fixes.

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.5.2: July 17th, 2012

· Re-coded everything (except the flashstock.bat script) that was previously written in batch script in AutoIt and compiled it into the main exe. In doing so, I greatly improved the scripts overall performance and efficiency.
· Stopped using relative paths all together for all operations; now everything uses the full path to ensure the toolkits consistency.
· Created an all autodriver configuration script with better instructions, and all around cleaner code.
· Updated the included SuperSU to the latest 0.93 version for compatibility with 4.1.1 releases.
· Switched out the previously included unofficial CWM image for this one by paulobrien:
· Added native support for all 4.1.1 devices. If you have a ported 4.1.1 for your device (like for Verizon/Sprint devices), then just select the “custom ROM” selection, and it will work.
· Fixed the unlock script to prompt you with unlocking instructions while its happening, using a Splash Screen instead of a msgbox.
· Fixed some minor spelling and grammatically issues throughout the toolkit.
· Other fixes


Nexus Root Toolkit 1.5: July 12th, 2012

· Extended support to all other Nexus devices (well…except the Nexus Q and Nexus One.. for now…)
· Added native Jelly Bean support using SuperSU apk and binary and automated adb push scripts
· Figured out how to localize all my stored variables to one Settings.ini file, rather than continue utilizing my previous workaround method; which is honestly rather embarrassing now that I know how to do it the right way (I was literally writing each variable to its own file and then reading them in individually).
· Learned how interpret list output data into an array variable, so I was able to perform various operations using this methodology; like interpreting an outputed android packages (apps) list and then populating it into a combo box pull down menu, for individual app backups. I also used a similar approach for interpreting “adb shell ls” commands, so I could get information like, your latest CWM backup folder, or your latest contacts *.vcf file, and then perform subsequent backup operations on those paths/files.
· Learned how to implement autoit’s StringRegExp to intelligently recognize patterns in strings; and then utilized this function to automatically determine whether or not your adb/fastboot device was in a connected state before performing subsequent operations. This greatly cleaned up my scripts, because it allowed me to remove all the code which relied upon the “disable list devices option” from the options menu, and instead just intelligently check for device connectivity before each task. Once I wrote those functions in, I built it so that the program would either continue (if it passed the check) or output different suggestions for connecting your device (depending on whether it was listed as offline, or not recognized).
· Revised the /data/media restore script, to ensure all the permissions were reset properly, and that there were no read/write issues.
· Completely re-wrote the Flash Stock script to longer rely on batch script for the intelligent file recognition; instead I use Autoit scripts to recognize the files and then write those in to another batch file as variables; this eliminated the path problems found in previous versions; so now it should no longer be a problem for users to install the toolkit to another directory besides the default.
· Fixed the driver files path in the Driver installation guide to point to the proper location. (used to incorrectly say %INSTALL_LOCATION%\drivers, now it says %INSTALL_LOCATION%\data\drivers).
· Added new Backup and Restore interfaces with some new features: Now their is a guided CWM backup feature which will walk you through creating a back up, and then save your nandroids onto your computer for safe keeping. There are also options for backing up your SMS messages, Call Logs, or APN settings using apps by the developer Ritesh Sahu, and then selectively pulling those backups onto your computer.
· Included a script for installing APN Backup & Restore onto your device as a system app, so that you can restore APN settings (this was otherwise restricted on ICS builds and greater; unless the app has system status).
· Included an extra step in the Root scripts which installs the App Busybox by Stericson; I decided this was a better approach then installing Busybox manually with scripts because having the app ensures end users will always have the latest applets available, plus the intelligent install feature of that app is very slick and useful when trying to support a wider range of devices and builds.
· Remapped the F1 (help file) option to point to the web version only, so that I can keep it updated (No more local help file for now, unless people start requesting it.. then I will be happy to post it once the new one is ready).
· Cleaned up and streamlined lots of script, to make it easier for me to manage and push updates at a faster rate; before my code was all over the place; I am finally learning how to keep it more organized, and easier to navigate.
· Learned how to interpret output directly into an autoit variable by implementing the StdoutRead function; before all I knew how to do was pipe outputs into another file and then read them in. This improved my coding efficiency and will be a common technique I use in future releases. Hopefully by the next release more of the code will be consolidated into the main exe.
· Revised the adb backup scripts to utilize the full path rather than the relative path so that end users can back files up directly to an external hard drive or flash drive (or anything with a drive letter differing from the drive that the script currently resides on).
· Based on user feedback figured out how to support non-yakju builds and included those as an option in the model selection pull down menu.
· Revised all wait times for booting into bootloader mode so that the script has enough time to recognize your device first time around… rather than preemptively querying for a device when its not fully connected yet.
· Took out almost all ‘Pause’ commands in my batch scripts and instead just included a slight ping delay, so the end user can read the output, but doesn’t need to press any keys to continue.
· Lots of general code revisions, minor bug fixes, and improvements to scripts layout.
· Added an option for triggering sound notifications (in the options menu) to inform the end user when a long operation is finished, like backing up or restoring /data/media.
· Fixed an annoying glitch where the program would not re-maximize if you closed it from the taskbar rather than from the interface; discovered that when it was storing the GUI position during the close event, it was entering in negative x and y values (-32000) if the interface was in this minimized state. Now my scripts will only store GUI positions conditionally (checks for this minimized problem first) when exiting.
· Since the program now relies on a Settings.ini file. A simple way to reset the toolkit to its default values is to just delete this ini file.
· A bunch of other things that I am probably forgetting to mention at this time, and bacon, lots of bacon..

Nexus Root Toolkit 1.4: June 7th, 2012

· More changes than I can list right now… see Help File for detailed feature information
· Program is now separated into two main interfaces; Basic Features and Advanced Utilities.
· Changed model selection to specific build type through a pull down menu rather than just GSM and CDMA radio buttons (supports Sprint devices now).
· Added information message boxes for all the toolkit feature, all information is now presented through a graphical message box rather than text strings in the command prompt window.
· Added backup and restore data/media features to provide you additional backup tools.
· Revised ‘Create Backup File’ script to show user summary message box when the backup completes
· Backup and restore features now reboot your device first to ensure no apps are interfering with the process.
· Added checkboxes for the inclusion or omission of system apps + data, and shared data in your backup file
· Created a full step-by-step driver configuration guide to make the process more intuitive and clear to the end user.
· Removed devcon.exe automated driver installation for XP setups, it caused to many problems; now there is only an automated driver configuration option for windows which utilizes pnputil.exe
· Improved the information displayed during the unlock procedure.
· Re-programmed the entire root script, it now pushes the files and the sets the permissions automatically (no longer requires you to flash the in ClockworkMod)
· Modified boot.img utilized to enable running privileged commands, so automated adb scripts are no longer utilized.
· Flash Stock + Unroot” re-programmed and revised;
· There are now two options, “Device is on” and “Can’t boot up”
· The auto-download and extract option has been updated to the latest android releases.
· The ‘Other’ option now analyzes the factory image package you point the program to and checks it against a list of known factory images. If the factory image package is recognizes (it uses a string match) then it automatically fills in the appropriate hash value on the subsequent hashchecker; furthermore, if the program recognizes the factory image package and notices that its incompatible with your selected model type, the script will notify you as a preventative measure.
· The hashchecker now has a character limit to prevent false mismatched hashchecks. Mismatched hashchecks no longer auto-deletes the file, it just prevents the script from continuing.
· The ‘Other’ option will now accept ODIN tar packages, extract and flash them with fastboot. If the script recognizes the ODIN tar package you are utilizing it will notify you with additional information, more specifically where you can find the complementary ODIN tar package, since those packages come in pairs, one with everything except the radio.img and another one with just the radio.img.
· The ‘Other’ option can now handle factory image packages with a .tar extension; previously it only knew how to deal .tgz files, now the program will hashcheck it as it normally does, and then rename it a tgz before extraction (this all happens back-end)
· The OEM lock feature provides more information so the process is clearer to the end user.
Quick tools have some slight revisions:
· The list devices feature has another option to explain ‘Offline’ devices.
· The reboot and reboot bootloader options now display a small splash screen.
· Added the File Permissions feature; this script launches a dual input chmod calculator GUI for checking and setting file permissions on your device.
· Added the ‘Launch CMD Prompt’ feature, this just opens cmd prompt and sets the current directory to the path where adb.exe and fastboot.exe resides
· Boot/Flash image provides information message boxes to explain what each option does.
· Added push and pull files feature. Push files allows you to push a single file, multiple files, or an entire folder. The pull option will allow you to pull files from anywhere on your device, and then it will open explorer to the folder you pulled them to when it finishes.
· Added ‘Flash zips w/ Temp CWM’ feature for assisting users in flashing ROMs, Themes, mods and more. This feature will push files to your sdcard, boot you into temp CWM and then provide you with onscreen instructions for flashing the zip.
· Added ‘Temporary CWM’ feature for a simple way to boot into clockworkmod temporarily
· Added ‘Flash Stock Recovery’ feature for a simple way to restore the stock android recovery
· Added ‘Install Android Apps’ feature for installing apk files; this will allow you to install one apk file or multiple apps.
· Added ‘Options’ interface which gives the user additional control over the programs behavior.
· The options interface also has options for file associations. If you associate file types you will have a “Handle with GnexRootToolkit’ option in your right click context menu. More information on this here.
· All default directories are now set on first run relative to the users computer.
· All GUI positions are now stored so that they open in the same position next time you launch them.
· The toolkit now utilizes Clockworkmod Touch recovery instead of the original.
· Utilizes a newer Superuser app and binary which works on all versions, unlike v1.3 which had a problem with 4.0.4.
· Lots of bug fixes and code revisions. Re-wrote almost all of the code.


Nexus Root Toolkit 1.3: April 11th, 2012

· Removed “SDK+Files” button; the program no longer is dependent on the SDK being set up. This significantly reduced the file size.
· All files the program needs are now localized to extracted directory upon installing [%HOMEDRIVE%\Wugs_GnexRootToolkit]
· Added the “System Variables” button, (optional feature) updates the systems path variable so you can use adb and fastboot cmds globally from the cmd line
· Enabled a more dynamic file backup system. User can now create their own custom file name for their backups, (defaults to current date and time)
· Restore feature will now automatically default to look in the users last backup location and fill in the file name of the users last backup
· Added additional warnings/information about backing up system app + data in the backup script, to ensure the end user adequately preserves their important data
· Added automated driver installation with devcon and pnputil (depending on your system type); manual instructions still included in case that doesn’t work
· Fixed the permanent CWM automated adb shell script to successfully change “recovery-from-boot.p” to “recovery-from-boot.p.bak” (rather than “recover-from-boot.p without the “y”)
· Added more communication to the CWM automated adb shell script so the end user would be more aware as to what was going on.
· No longer use UPX compression for any of my exe files in the package to prevent false positives from antivirus programs like Avast
· Reworked the quick tools button to prevent a small glitch I noticed where one of the buttons would stop working temporarily
· Fixed issues people were having who had solid state hard drives with a different letter (not C:\) as their primary system directory
· Fixed issues people were having who stored their backups in locations where the path had spaces in it.
· Fixed issues people were having who tried flashing img files with spaces in the file name or path
· Other minor bug fixes, and a few minor augmented feature improvements.


Nexus Root Toolkit 1.2.2: April 11th, 2012

· Permanent root script now just renames “recover-from-boot.p” to ”recover-from-boot.p.bak” instead of just deleting it


Nexus Root Toolkit 1.2.1: April 11th, 2012

· Fixed the support button


Nexus Root Toolkit 1.2: April 11th, 2012

· Took out the pre-extracted android factory images and made the program universal (supports both CDMA/LTE and GSM/HSPA+)
· Built a customized installer for pulling the factory images from googles servers, hash checking it, extracting it and flashing it
· Support to easily extract and flash any future android release with built in user input box governed hash checking
· Added the option to bypass the download and extract phase if the user already did that before.
· Added quick tools for easy access to tasks like rebooting your phone, rebooting it in to bootloader mode, or listing devices

Built and included an automated adb shell script to ensure clockwork mod is permanently installed:
· This script will open up a cmd window, enter into adb shell with SU permissions, mount system, and then delete “recovery-from-boot.p”
· This enables the end user to gain permanent clockwork on first root without the need of an app like Root Explorer

Added the ability to flash any img files to any partition on the phone in one click:
· Just boot your phone into bootloader, or use the program too
· Select the button which corresponds to the partition you want to flash to
· The program will open up a browse to file window, in which the user can select the img file they wan’t to flash
· Press ok, and the program will take care of the rest

· Streamlined the entire driver installation/configuration process. With full detailed on screen manual instruction included
· Added lots of checks along the way to ensure the user is properly connected before attempting to do something
· Rewrote/reworked a lot of the code to fix/address all known bugs in the previous release
· Included explanatory introduction blurbs for all the processes so the end user knows what’s going on and whats about to happen in each stage beforehand. This way the end user is more comfortable with and more clear on the entire process.


Nexus Root Toolkit 1.1: April 11th, 2012

· Added GSM support!
· Added the ability for the end-user to select the location of their own SDK setup
· This dynamic feature is facilitated by a browse to folder window
· Relevant path variables are stored to local bat and dat files for retrieval
· Consolidated and re-wrote a majority of the original code
· End-user will experience a more logical flow of information and procedures
· Added the ability for the end-user to backup and restore their apps and data
· Each backup is automatically dated and time stamped
· Created a customized ‘Browse to file’ feature for selecting and restoring backups
· Removed automated driver configuration
· Replaced it with a step-by-step folder of img’s for reference
· Confirmed a working driver solution on windows xp
· Extracted driver files from PDAnet for use on XP
· These same extracted driver files can be used on Win7/Vista if needed
· The driver configuration is more comprehensive now
· After drivers are configured, it prompts user with a way to test them out.
· Cleaned up and re-wrote a lot of the outputted explanation text
· Lots of minor bug fixes, especially regarding some ‘current directory’ problems
· Touched up the GUI a bit to accommodate for the additional buttons
· Set up a better base framework to enable easier and faster future development…


Nexus Root Toolkit 1.0

Initial Setup, Unlock + Root, Unroot + OEM lock
The beginning’s of Galaxy Nexus Toolkit…”