Wug – when will you release a toolkit update for KitKat 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 ???
I have been getting this question a LOT too; here is the answer – http://www.wugfresh.com/faqs/my-build-is-not-listed-in-nrt/
{{ WugFresh }}
I have been getting this question a LOT too; here is the answer – http://www.wugfresh.com/faqs/my-build-is-not-listed-in-nrt/
{{ WugFresh }}
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4.4.4 Release 2 Please update
Will do Aman, aiming to release v1.8.5 later today.
supersu permission dialog appears with white backgruond and white font.
Please / update
Answer for hashcheck is wrong! Even after downloading image thru wugfresh same thing happens..the process of waiting for another download will frustrated you ..and what continue button are you talking about?
Updating from preview ( lpx13D) to (lrx21p) for nexus 7 2013 WiFi