User Registrations Are Re-Opened

Made some changes to reduce/prevent comment spam.  You are now free to register again. 🙂

Stay tuned, NRT v2.0.6 is in the works with lots of new enhancements.


11 Comments on “User Registrations Are Re-Opened

    • Hi Enda. No – unfortunately there is a limitation to adb/fastboot whereby it can only perform an action on one device at a time. That said, if you are looking for a commercial solution to batch install multiple devices, that may be something I can do. Contact me directly if that is what you are looking for.

  1. Hi,
    We’re a startup so cash and customers are tight. I was talking to a DMD company and they said that Apple have one but we use Android so that’s that. I’ll get back to you when we get more customers but in the mean time could you ball park it for me?

    BTW, love your work,

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