Nexus Root Toolkit v1.6.4 Released!
Its finally done and ready for download! Â Nexus Root Toolkit v1.6.4 is released! Â The update package is also live for updating from v1.6.3 to v1.6.4. Â Enjoy! ^_^
Its finally done and ready for download! Â Nexus Root Toolkit v1.6.4 is released! Â The update package is also live for updating from v1.6.3 to v1.6.4. Â Enjoy! ^_^
Version 1.6.3 is now out for public download. Â Enjoy! The updated changelog is coming soon.
The new version is out! Â General fixes and an overhaul to the updater system. Â Enjoy! ^_^
The new toolkit release is out! Â Check it out!
The latest release of Nexus Root Toolkit has been updated (11/04/2012)!  Enjoy!
Check it out!
Check it out! –Â
I put together a little application for simplifying the root, unlock, unroot, and re-locking procedures.  Enjoy!