Nexus Root Toolkit v1.9.3 Released!
New user options for SuperSU added to the main options menu. Now you can have NRT update to the latest beta releases of SuperSU, and also to install SuperSU Pro (via Playstore).
Additional fixes and preparations for N6 and N9 when they are released.
Sweet thanks, you rock! Thanks so much for all your hard work.
Just used Nexus Root Toolkit v 1.9.3 to recover fully my ‘dead’ Nexus 7. Your programme is awesome. Many thanks!!!
Hi my nexus 7 died after installing lollipop, It’s now in boot loop, How easy is it to use the route kit. I’ve tried everything’s else, ie factory reset by holding done buttons etc, but no success
i have a problem … i have dead nexus 7 wifi … cant erase , format … nothing !!! Tryed with root toolkit 1.9.3. no help … adb sideloaders – no help … recovery mode into wiping/formating data … NOTHING !
Any ideas?
Hi. I just used the nexus root toolkit v1.9.3 to flash android L official rom to my nexus 5. All worked out great, except for the root option. Tried to root the device 3 times and it always gets stuck on the last “Waiting for you device” msg. Never had such a problem before with rooting my nexus 5 or nexus 4 before that with your program. Any thoughts?
same here tried to root 2 times with no luck 🙁 i will keep it unrooted, maybe theres an update for the toolkit soon 🙂
missing system.img error upon flashing the 5.0
pls help wug …pls am stuck
flashing LRX21P on nexus 10 worked fine, during the rooting process the device got stuck at twrp while the pc was waiting for the device to boot up again… it looked different to the “nexus 5 problem” but still no root :O
Hi everyone. Tried one more time to root my nexus 5 with android L. The whole process got stuck on the waiting for your device msg again, This time i just left it alone to see what would happen. After about 10 minutes the process continued and i got the msg saying that the root process had completed and i should check busybox and supersu apks. But the phone never got pass the android screen with the unlocked padlock. Guess only thing left to do is wait for a toolkit update. Sorry for the big post.
edit- just noticed I was doing it at the wrong version topic. moving to the other one.